What people are saying about Little Tech

  • "Throughout the program, I became less and less attached to my phone and much more mindful of how and how much I spend time in the digital world. I feel released and more free. Paying attention to my digital consumption and implementing 'speed bumps' have allowed me to experience feelings and sensations that I hadn't in years. Being untethered digitally has created new space in me to enjoy and interact with the world around me in a way that feels so nourishing to my spirit. [...] I now seek out time and opportunities without digital technology. I am joyfully reading books again (a gift restored) and I often forget my phone which at one time would have been impossible! I began the program eager and interested, but not really thinking it would have such a profound impact on me and my behavior. I am grateful and my intention is to continue to nurture a life where I use my phone as a tool instead of a drug. Thank you!!!"

    — Jesse

  • "For a surprisingly small time commitment and simple tweaks to break habit loops with my phone use, I was able to cut my daily screen time by over 40% and augment rewarding experiences with family, community, and environment across the time of the workshop. It's a safe space to reflect on the place of technology in everyday life, proportionate to the demands on the time of working parents."

    — Andy

  • “One of the unfortunate side-effects of today's ubiquitous technology is a feeling of distance from and disengagement with our communities. The Simpler Phone Workshop elegantly built a community around reversing this trend, one in which I was held accountable and encouraged by my peers to examine my relationship with my own technology and change it for the better.”

    — Jasper, Game designer

  • "Insightful and personal experience which helps identify what I am using the phone for, and where I could benefit from downsizing digital time before it became an addiction."

    L.M., Professor & Mom

  • "The Simpler Phone Workshop was transformational in helping me to, with little effort, halve my screen time. I learned relatively easy ways to take back control of my phone and tech usage."

    Jami, participant

  • "The Simpler Phone Workshop offers a transformative opportunity to recalibrate our technology habits, to support meaningful connections, good work, deeper calm, and more fun in everyday life. Dr. Good does a fantastic job facilitating useful conversations during the short meetings, and Simpler Phone Workshop gave me the tools and accountability I needed to change the way I use my phone."

    Cindy, Professor

  • "By participating in the Little Tech Simpler Phone Workshop, I discovered hours in my day that I didn't realize I had lost to scrolling. I learned that the virtual connections I had made we're not sustaining me as well as I had thought and I've been able to reinvest that energy into personal development and real life friendships and community. Overall, I have lost nothing and gained time, focus, and overall wellbeing. I could not be happier."

    Megan, participant & parent

  • "In just a month I went from using my phone from 6 hours to under 2 hours, which allowed me to go back to other more useful and rewarding activities such as reading, drawing or spending more time with my family. The workshop opened my eyes to how easy it actually is to control such a device instead of letting it control our day to day."


  • "I've tried other screen time and/or social media detoxes, but they lack structure and evidence. The Simpler Phone Workshop offers so much room for insight and growth about why we use our phones the way we do, and pushes us to make more impactful long-term changes to our relationships with our devices."

    Anne, Professor

  • "This workshop helped me rethink my relationship between my phone and my life. Also, I noticed my anxiety was reduced because of my new "boring" look to my phone."

    Connie, retired educator